Monday, April 27, 2009

Makahiki Day 1

Sunday 4/26/09
Makahiki Day 1

Ah, finally got a window to paddle out and fish. I got in contact with Stan and Mike and we decided to hit the Eastside by Rabbit Island.
The night before I was so anxious that I couldn't sleep and this mistake I would pay for dearly later that day. I went through my checklist of gear, rigs, safety equipment etc. more than a few times, checked my rods and reels to make sure they were in perfect working order and then did it again a couple hours later. I also kept an eye on the weather reports because they could always change at a moments notice. The next thing I knew it was past 1am and I was still amped. Not good. I knew from previous experience that would need more than a few hours of sleep before I hit the road at 6am.
It just didn't happen. Laid in bed, even took some back pills that usually knock me out. The adrenaline was too strong. Then the phone rang. It was Stan calling at 5am with the all clear. Shit. Got my clothes on and started loading up the truck, kissed my wife and daughter and headed out by 6am.
After taking a wrong ramp and having to meander around a couple of neighborhoods, I finally made to the launch point to meet up wit the guys. The area was beautiful. Clear skies, calm turquoise waters and excellent wind conditions. It wasn't glass but it was as perfect a morning as one could ask for.
After helping each other get the yaks and gear to the launch area under the pier we all paddled out together towards Rabbit Island. We all stayed within sight and if not, we were always in contact via our VHF radios.
I trolled a small pink Ika skirt out to the island but no bite. Got the the windward side of the island, pulled in the trolling rig and decide to drop down an opelu. I got my first bite shortly after but was left only the head. This happened another four times to my dismay. I marked few fish on the fishfinder but when I did, I tried dropping down a jig. Again, no bites. Before I knew it I had that queasy feeling and dry mouth. Aw crap, seasickness. I chewed on some ginger candy and drank some water to no avail. The symptoms got stronger and the chop in the water started getting rougher also as the winds had picked up by a couple of miles an hour. I decided to paddle back to the leeward side of the island and try my luck over there. After skirting the breaking waves on the North point break I got to calmer waters. It helped a little so I decided to palu (chum) the water to see if I could entice some game to rise up. And again to no avail. I had not realized the time had gone by so quick. There was radio contact that everyone was starting to head in so I did the same. It seemed others had the same luck that I did. The things is you wouldn't have thought that we hadn't caught anything by the smiles and attitudes we were all sharing. It was a great day, fish or no fish.
So, Makahiki Day 1 score. Zero fish but tons of fun.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Shooting for this Sunday

Crossing my fingers for this Sunday 4/26/09. Wind and wave forecasts are promising.

Thursday, April 9, 2009