Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Family Fishing fun at Ho'omaluhia


Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens in Kaneohe, Oahu is one of those incredible gems that you almost don't want to share with anyone else. It is 400acres of carefully landscaped park land. Originally built by the Army Corp of Engineers to provide flood protection, it has become a wonderful park to bring the family. It also has a 30acre lake stocked with various freshwater species such as numerous types of Cichlids, Tilapia, Red Devils and Catfish. It is a catch and release lake, hand poles are provided at the visitor's center and just provides another avenue for quality time with the family.

I had always wanted to check the park out after constantly reading about it in Hawaii Fishing News magazine. So this past Sunday, we loaded up a couple of bamboo poles, some light tackle and after a quick stop at Malama Market for drinks and sandwiches we were on our way to Kaneohe.
This being my first time to the area, as we were driving past a posted guard at the gate, I slowed down to ask if we had to sign in before proceeding. With a big grin the old Filipino man says, "Just a smile and a wave and you are good to go." Hahah.. awesome.
Once there we just followed the signs to the lake and also taking in the beauty of the park. Almost all of the plants and trees were marked with signs stating species and country of origin. The path to the fishing area takes you past the bird watching shore of the lake where a huge flock of ducks and other waterfowl were waddling around. My daughter just loved it and we took a few minutes to feed them a few pieces of bread before continuing the short hike.

A few families were already at the fishing area enjoying the morning atmosphere at the lakeside. The views around the lake completely hid any hint that we were less than a mile or two from Kaneohe's busy center. We found a spot right away and it just took another couple of minutes to set up a cane pole for my 3yr. old daughter.
The next couple of hours were some of the most fun we've had as a family. Kira and Jen caught fish after fish. I wasn't so lucky but just so happy that we were all having fun together. The other families around were having just as much fun. Every time a keiki would pull up a fish of any size it brought on cheers and high fives among everyone. It was one of those times that I had really felt the Aloha among everyone.

After we used up our loaf of white bread, we packed up and hiked it back to the parking lot. All the while passing other families heading towards the lake shore, cane poles in hand, smiles on the faces and Ohana in the hearts.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sat. 10/10/09 - BACHI'd

Paddled out from Pokai Bay at 0600 towards the structure where I had caught the previous Kagami. Just passing the mouth of the harbor I had let out a 3" Blk/Slvr Crystal Minnow which I had dipped in some UniButter purchased online from Hook1.com and was prepping my Halalu bait when I noticed some Porpoise hanging about. I even took some video with my cellphone and uploaded to Facebook. That's when I noticed the baitfish casually feeding around the kayak. I had no damashi rigs so I didn't even try to make bait.
And then BAM!, my yak gets rocked to the left and all within a few seconds I see my  rod bend back and the hear the braid get ripped from the reel. A big splash behind me makes me turn my head in time to see a spinning launch of a porpoise not ten feet behind me. Also I noticed that the slack in the line had looped on the tip of my rod and another boost from that dolphin would've flipped me over for sure. Another second and I had already unsheathed my knife and cut the line. AU'WE!!
OK.. I've had lures float behind me before within spitting distance of a pod. The have never taken a lure nor have they taken lures from other kayakers that I know of. The only difference was the added goop on the lure. I guess it works but just not in the way I was hoping.
And the Hawaii superstitions prevailed also. I was BACHI'd the rest of the paddle. Even after marking loads of fish at the wreck site, I couldn't catch a break. Lots of strikes, but had da rubba hooks.
After a few hours, I called it a day and paddled in early.  Plus I had to save some energy for the next day at the 4th Annual Fishing and Seafood Festival at Pier38 in Honolulu.

Til' next trip.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A big Mahalo! - End of the Makahiki "Daze"

     I would like to take the time to thank Aquahunters.com and it's admins; Rocket, AlphaDog and the Uyeda Brothers for putting together a great tournament for the kayak angler's of Hawaii. Although I was never able to hit the 40 days allowed for the tourney, everyday that I did go out was an absolute blast. Not everyday was a catch day, but every day out was a true learning day. I was able to meet and become great friends to some guys that I probably wouldn't have hooked up with otherwise. We encouraged each other and watched each other's backs on and off of the water. Dave, Stan, Mike and me turned into the 0-dark-30 crew, so named because that was the usual time we would meet up to go fishing.
     Now that that tournament is over, the pressure to get out to compete is gone. But the desire to fish has become greater. Once the weather gets more agreeable, we'll be out there again enjoying the water, the scenery and some great company.  I can't wait for the Makahiki Banquet in December. There should be some really nice awards for the Top 10 of the Makahiki Tournament and some great raffle prizes as well. Best of all, it will be awesome to meet up with the other anglers.

     I'll be continuing this as a fishing journal. I have learned much by keeping this blog. I'll be more detailed with times and places, images and maps, gear, bait, etc. More for myself so I can look back and track what worked where and when.

     For those that actually found this blog and took the time to read my posts.  A big Mahalo to you too.

End of the Makahiki "Daze".